Anupriya Kapur is a single mom, a runner, a mommy blogger, a child abuse survivor, and a postpartum depression survivor. Her life outwardly seemed to be perfect when she got married in her early 20’s and had a decent job. But soon after giving birth to her first child she suffered from severe depression. Since she herself was abused by her uncle in her early childhood, so she was extra cautious with her child and decided to be a stay-at-home-mom after delivering her baby boy. But this decision wasn’t a very wise one as it led to her feeling herself worthless. She used to be irritated due to changes in her body and mind. Without any reason, she used to get upset and often hit her beloved child. This made her feel guilty and an incompetent mom. Anupriya suffered all this for almost five years. Then she realized that she was in deep depression and needed help as she even went to the extent of contemplating suicide.
“I would stand at the balcony and keep looking down, wanting to jump. That was when I told myself that I needed to take charge and do something about it.” Anupriya Kapur
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As we all know, in India and many other Asian countries, mental health is not given due attention therefore, the patients have to suffer silently. People lack awareness and empathy for those dealing with mental health issues. When Anupriya Kapur told her close friends and relatives about her mental state, they used to be quite shocked. They were like, ‘Why the hell are YOU depressed? Your life is just perfect then why do you feel depressed?’
So Anupriya finally decided to help herself as she saw she wasn’t getting it from anyone around her. She made up her mind to tackle this problem without any medication. Anupriya decided to take heal herself with the help of meditation and running. These two actually proved a boon to her and saved her life. Anupriya started with 20 minutes meditation every day. She also tried pranic healing. Meditation helped her to calm down. She was able to forgive herself and others. She cried a lot and it helped her feel better. Now, she wanted to channelize her physical energy in something positive. So, she started running. At that time her son was two so she took out time for running while he was asleep. Running was an escape for Anupriya from the problems of her life and a means to make herself feel she is more than just a mom or a housewife. Soon, running became a passion for Anupriya. In 2015, Anupriya Kapur decided to document her battle with post-partum depression through a blog. She wanted to help other women like herself who are going through postpartum depression. Her blog momontherun is a fashion, fitness and parenting blog offering positive advice to women on all these topics.

“After years of chasing deadlines at various corporate jobs, followed by full-time motherhood and now a work from home mom – I discovered running in 2009. There’s been no looking back ever since. Having participated in numerous races in India and the Philippines – which include half marathons, full marathons, and ultra runs on the road, and on trails – I’ve been averaging over 100 km a month. Since running has been my source of fitness and positive energy for so many years now, my endeavor is to help people realize that it’s a recreation meant for everyone. Running does not need special talent, time or place. I have no lineage nor history in sports. And, I have been running in all weathers, all terrains, through relocation, stress, common health bugs, a growing child and social commitments.” Anupriya Kapur
Anupriya’s story shows us that we can be a good mom, a good wife, a good worker or anything else only when we are good to ourselves. Women often go harsh on themselves and expect too much from themselves (at times there are high expectations from family and society too which burden us )
But we must admit the need to take care of ourselves first in order to take care of our loved ones. Unless we love ourselves, we can not love others. If we are sick, how can we take care of others? We must address both our physical as well as mental health and seek help when we feel are in need. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that we are NOT Superwomen! We are normal human beings who need attention and care like others. Anupriya Kapur is a Wonderful Woman who not only saved herself but now also trying to save others by her sharing her inspiring story with them. Keep rocking girl!
It is so amazing how you can heal yourself if you really want to like Anupriya did. Who knew meditation and running would be so beneficial. I love how she decided to overcome her depression and succeeded. She is an amazing wonderful woman.